Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday 9/27

50 minutes

Began with a meditation on silence. Discovered a kind of quality of attention, not lettingit get "tangled up" in distraction, but not "pushing it out". Weird feeling and difficultto maintain. Remembered a feeling exercise presented by Elan.

Primary #1 (1234), simply observing the left hand. Fingers aren't doing their work; I noticed thatthe thumb, elbow and shoulder like to pitch in in their own ways. Lost attention and becamefrustrated after about 20 minutes, so I took a break. It helped.

Three things were exremely helpful with my technique this evening:
* attention;
* beginning;
* going with the weird feeling...

"Fooled around" with Calliope. I realized: both hands need daily attention, even if I intend to focus on one. I put good work in, and lose it so easily. Maybe ten minutes to warm up both...

Emerging practice themes:
* the juice;
* tone (discerning both what sounds good and what doesn't sound good);
* foot tapping.