Recovering from spyware, backtracking...
Tuesday 2/10
40 + 20 Minutes
"Isreal", "Morning Has Broken"
Getting into some of the "detail work" talked about on Sunday. There's some good articulation exercise available in these 'chord-change' pieces, and also some metronome challenges (one a very slow 4/4, the other in 6/8, where metronome ticks are treated as dotted quarters instead of ordinary quarters). I'm also practicing playing chords with a light touch.
Some presentation work, practicing walking on and plugging in gracefully.
Wednesday 2/11
15 Minutes
continued Tuesday's work
I've been focusing on technique work lately, on the assumption that improved technical ability will carry over into repertoire anyway; but working with repertoire gives its own insights into technique.
...and tonight...
Friday 2/13
60 Minutes
C major pentatonic scale, 1st inverstion C major arpeggios
Haven't done fretboard knowledge work in a while.